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SBH members are encouraged to provide videos related to club cycling activities and other cycling activities which might be of interest to members and other site visitors, such as prospective members.

2022 Year In Review - created by Janet Kendall. 10:18 minutes

2021 Year In Review - created by Janet Kendall. 11:17 minutes

Memories of the first 50 Sacramento Bike Hiker years. A video slideshow
prepared by Bill Bischoff for the celebratory banquet held in 2018. 59:57 minutes.

A snippet of the 2020 Death Valley Tour. Provided by Larry Robinson. 00:12 minutes

A video slideshow which lists all SBH club members who participated in club volunteer
activities by position during 2019. Presented at the Annual Banquet. 18:02 minutes

Don't have 18 minutes to spare? Then watch this one, which is the same video
as above, but FAST!  6:44 minutes

This video captures the Sacramento Bike Hikers performing the Bike to Boat
Transition during the last running of Eppies Great Race in 2018. 3:07 minutes

(Note that in 2019 the Great American Triathlon was held, following the same
course as Eppies, where the club also performed the Bike to boat Transition.
Was this the beginning of a new tradition?)